Whiskey Road Foxhounds

Our Staff

Joseph Hardiman
Joseph Hardiman grew up in County Galway, Ireland, where he hunted with the Galway Blazers, a hardcore hunt renowned for fast galloping and fearless jumping. Upon arrival to the United States in 1984, he worked two different jobs before becoming a Whipper-In at the Rolling Rock Hunt, and then quickly hired to be the Huntsman. Joseph met and married his wife, Kim, during his 14 years at Rolling Rock. Joseph and Kim have two daughters, Caitlin and Shannan, who are both accomplished horsewomen in their own right.

David Smith
Born in Columbia, SC, David Smith attended the University of South Carolina before entering the real estate business. He received his colors with the Camden Hunt in 1970, In that same year Dave began playing polo nationwide and internationally. He moved to Hilton Head in the mid-70's and helped launch the Hilton Head Polo Club. Relocating to Atlanta in 1979, he joined the Atlanta Polo Club, while hunting occasionally with Shakerag.
In 1986, Dave moved to Tennessee and began whipping in for The Mells Hunt. While living there he rode foxhunter timber races at Point to Points, winning the Midwest Circuit three years in a row. Dave arrived in Aiken in 1995 and started whipping in for Whiskey Road Foxhounds. He became a Master in 2004 and has been instrumental in acquiring hunting territory over the years.

Ray & Jill Mills
1st Field Masters
Ray started riding at 27. He hunted for 30 seasons with South Creek Foxhounds (formerly Two Rivers Hounds). He served a term on the hunt committee and was Field Secretary. Ray and his wife Jill moved their Florida farm to Aiken in 2018 and joined WRFH 2019.
Jill started riding at the age of 6 in Pennsylvania and began hunting as a junior member of Huntingdon Valley Hunt. She was a pony Club member, spent years showing hunters and did some judging. Jill has been a riding instructor for the past 40 years. She hunted for 30 seasons with South Creek Foxhounds(formerly Two Rivers Hounds). Jill and her husband Ray moved their Florida farm to Aiken in 2018 and joined WRFH 2019

Will Frazier, DVM
Will is a Cleveland, Ohio native and has been fox hunting since 1985. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine and practiced in the Cleveland area while serving as Master and Whipper-In at The Chagrin Valley Hunt. In addition to hunting, Will enjoys trail riding, hiking and carriage driving with his wife, Louise.

Judy McConnell
3rd Field Master

Judy Bush
3rd Field Master

Betsy Minton
MFH/Whipper In/1st Field
Betsy's love of fox hunting began with the Norfolk Hounds in Dover, MA. She pursued it further with the Millbrook Hounds while at Bennett College. In between Bennett and the University of Colorado, Betsy spent a fall with the Scarteen Hounds while riding and grooming for the then-First Field Master under Thady Ryan. While working in Washington, DC in the 80's, Betsy discovered Middleburg and the Piedmont Hunt. Fast-forward to 1991 and Saratoga Springs where the addiction became Eventing and eventually brought Betsy and her husband, Jeff, to Aiken for the winter season. They made the move permanent in 2005.

Mrs. Kim Hardiman
Whipper In
Kim is originally from Ligonier, PA. She comes from a horse family background that includes fox hunting and steeplechase racing. Kim met Joseph at the Rolling Rock Hunt, where she was a professional Whipper-In for 14 years, She has also whipped-in to the Chagrin Valley Hunt in Ohio. Kim and Joseph have been hunting together for more than 27 seasons. In addition to hunting wife and mother, Kim is a also a Registered Nurse and enjoys golf in her spare time.

Mrs. Lynn Smith
Ex-MFH & Whipper In
Lynn Smith was born in Florence, SC. She got hooked on horses at the age of 8 and has had a horse at all times ever since. While attending the University of South Carolina, Lynn hunted with the Camden Hunt. After attending graduate school at Georgia State, she received her MBA and hunted occasionally with the Shakerag Hunt.
Lynn moved to Tennessee In 1986 and started whipping with The Mells Hunt, along with hunting with the Hillsboro Hunt.
Lynn moved to Aiken in 1995 and became a Master in 1997. She whipped in for Whiskey Road Foxhounds and was responsible for rebuilding this hunt and saving it from disbanding. After 20 years, she decided to retire and just enjoy hunting!

Shannon Burke
2nd Field Master/Secretary
Started riding lessons at the age of seven, as a way to strengthen my legs. I had to wear braces at an early age to help them grow straight. I kept riding and learning through the years, It wasn't till my early thirties someone mentioned that there was a fox hunt near by and I should check it out. Went to my first hunt in 2003. Joined Wayne DuPage Hunt 2004 and received my colors 2007. Moved from Illinois down to Aiken in 2019. I joined Whiskey Road FoxHounds and was awarded colors 2021. This sport consumes me heart and soul.

Carol Pexa
3rd Field Master